Monday, March 21, 2011

ERIC = best education source?

Back in the day "ERIC," (Education Resources Information Center,) was THE major resource when doing research in education. It was the place to go when looking for articles from education journals, and for those nifty ERIC "documents." Dating back to the 1960s, it was a standard for education research for many years.

In recent years it has been somewhat superseded however. The new go to site when looking for articles in education journals is Education Research Complete. This database far outstrips ERIC when it comes to retrieving articles from the education literature. However, ERIC still has a part in things, and that part has to do with the ERIC "documents" mentioned above.

ERIC documents are not articles from journals, they are a mixed collection of self submitted reports, "how we did it at our school district" sort of things, papers from education groups etc. They definitely can be of interest, and ERIC is the place to find them.

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