Teetotalism in Osculation.
The Demorest branch of the W.C.T.U., of New York City at a recent meeting discussed the subject of intemperance in kissing, and pledged itself to do all in its power to Iessen the practice. The kissing habit was condemned as a "literal menace to our morality." One speaker urged that "girls must be taught that it is wrong not only to kiss a stranger, but even to kiss the men they are engaged to.” Another said her way to stop the impropriety would be to ”instruct the young men in the evils of the habit.” After reading the above we are moved to quote the following:
"Whistle for the wind," said he. "I'm afraid, said she, "I can't tell what you'll do when my lips are puckered up," 'I won't do a thing " said he, "Then I won't whistle" said she.
Your blogger was actually hard at work, (really!) looking for some information on William Lennon, who was a professor here in the old days, and whom Lennon Hall is named after, but on running across this piece above he just had to share it. In case anyone, like this blogger, is unfamiliar with the word "osculation," look it up in the OED which we subscribe to :-)
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