Monday, July 07, 2014

Happy Birthday to the refrigerator!

One of the technologies we take most for granted perhaps is that of refrigeration. A house may not have central air conditioning, but it will have a refrigerator, providing ice for drinks and a cool and safe way to store foods. Homes didn't always have one of course, and some of us will remember parents or grandparents talking about "ice boxes" and ice deliveries. The refrigerator is a century old now, as this article relates, and we can all be glad for it on a warm summer day when we reach into one for a cool drink!

The book the article refers to has just been put on order for the library, but we have other books on hand about the history of technology, daily living and so forth in our catalog. America: History & Life is a great place to look for articles, as would be Business Source Complete. Pictured here is a restored vintage ice box.

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