Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Time is short, use our "Research Guides" to speed things up!

Not to put pressure on, but time is short now isn't it? :-) The semester ends in a few weeks, you're busy researching, teaching too if you are a faculty member, and it can be tricky trying to ferret out what resources we have for your area. There's an easy answer to this search however: we have a series of Research Guides that are a handy response to this need. Each one covers the most relevant, up to date information resources for the area in question, covering article databases, book sources, reference materials like encyclopedias, statistical resources and much more. Whether it is Anthropology, Earth Science, History, Theatre, or any one of a number of other disciplines these guides are a wonderful resource to get you where you need to be for your work.

The guides are done by experienced librarians here at Drake, and these guide authors welcome your suggestions to improve their guides. Pictured here is Charlie Cowling, one of our guide authors and a librarian with 21 years experience at Drake.

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